Natural Search Blog

Multiple ad blocks per page on Google AdSense

Google has recently changed their AdSense policy on the number of add blocks you can display per page if you are part of Google’s AdSense program. That’s the program whereby websites can get paid for displaying Google ads on their web pages. Now you can display up to three ad units per page, according to Google.

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Optimizing your search engine advertising

DoubleClick’s Smart Marketing Report in a recent interview of Jamie Crouthamel, president and CEO of Performics, were treated to some words of wisdom on how to launch and optimize a paid search advertising program.

Here’s some of the takeaways I got out of the interview:

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Caveat Emptor (Bidder Beware) – Google AdWords contextual ads gone wrong

Google’s contextual advertising technology that they picked up with the Applied Semantics acquisition isn’t flawless. It’s not always in the best light that your brand gets displayed within sites subscribing to the Google AdSense program. Take for instance the case where a web page featuring a story about a hacked up body in a suitcase displays a Google AdWords ad for luggage, as described in this Fast Company article. Or the also embarrassing but less gruesome example I came across on Robin Good’s website recently, as shown below:

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Bottom-feeding email marketing solution, anyone? 😉

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Buying/selling/brokering PageRank – A slimy approach to SEO

As you may know, a key component to search engine optimization is links from important (i.e. highly PageRank endowed) web pages. I think buying links for PageRank is just plain slimy… the lazy man’s approach to SEO. Here’s one such hawker. Yuch!

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